If you were to describe my like/dislike of Brazilian television using relationship terms... it would go something like this:
"friends" with Mais Você, Bem Estar, Estrelas, BBB, Qual é o seu Talento, A Fazenda, Gugu
"best friends" with Globo Repórter, Conexão Repórter, SBT Repórter, CQC, A Liga, Fantástico, Jornal da Globo, Adventura Selvagem, Bem Estar, E aí Doutor
"indifferent" to Caldeirão do Huck, Video Show
"enemies" with Video Game, Domingão do Faustão, Macho Man, Ratinho, Raul Gil, Silvio Santos (except for Nada Além de 1 minuto- LOVE IT)
"arch-enemies" with ALL Novelas, A Praça é Nossa, Zorra Total
While I'm on the topic, there are a few other peculiar questions about Brazilian TV that I have to throw out there. Such as:
Why does Silvio Santos wear a full-size microphone strapped to his chest?